Tim Gourley
Reverting lockfile change for rake ht... was committed by bratta
Sunday Oct 17
changeset -
Fixing Gemfile.lock http://github.com... was committed by bratta 06:46 PM changeset
Lowering requirement for rake http://... was committed by bratta 06:37 PM changeset
Updating Gemfile.lock http://github.c... was committed by bratta 06:19 PM changeset
Deployment Tutorial was updated by Tim Gourley
Saturday Sep 25
ticket -
Update core to latest Padrino was created by Tim Gourley 04:39 PM ticket
Refactor caching system was updated by Tim Gourley 04:39 PM ticket
Multiple Domain Supportwas updated by Tim Gourley 04:37 PM ticket -
Default domain is now pretty loose ht... was committed by bratta
Friday Sep 24
changeset -
Fix ordering of regular expression ht... was committed by bratta 09:52 PM changeset